12 July 2024


2024 Durian Fest

The management of M.E.T. Motion Engineering & Trading Sdn. Bhd. has delighted employees with a delectable treat, the Durian Fest! Sponsored by the company, this event was a unique approach to strengthen the bonding of our diverse team. Beside that the Durian Fest is actually used by the management team to convey their appreciation to the employees while indulging in one of Malaysia’s most iconic fruits. This event was held on 12/07/2024, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm and proved to be a networking opportunity for us to connect with colleagues from different departments in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. This event is just one of the many initiatives aimed at enriching our workplace culture and strengthening our team spirit. This event wouldn’t be possible without the generous sponsorship from our management team, Many thanks to them!

09 May 2024


M.E.T. Motion Engineering & Trading Sdn. Bhd. Celebrates 30 Years of Innovation and Excellence

M.E.T. Motion Engineering & Trading Sdn. Bhd. is proud to announce its 30th anniversary. Since its establishment in 1994, M.E.T. has been at the forefront of delivering pumping products and services to clients across industries. Over the past three decades, M.E.T. has achieved significant milestones, cementing its reputation as a trusted partner for businesses seeking excellence in pumping solutions. To commemorate this remarkable milestone, M.E.T. has hosting a grand lunch celebration on 09/05/2024. This event brought together employees, clients, partners, and stakeholders to reflect on the company’s journey, celebrate its achievements, and look forward to a future filled with continued success and growth. For management team, this milestone is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the team, as well as the trust and support of valued clients and partners. M.E.T. will remain committed to driving innovation, delivering exceptional quality, and exceeding the expectations of the stakeholders. The anniversary celebration is a reflection of M.E.T.’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

23 March 2024


MET English Class

On 23/03/2024, M.E.T. has organized an English class for the employees. The purpose of this class is to help the employees to upgrade their foundational skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening in the English language. This class covered the essential grammar, vocabulary and communications skills that is necessary for everyday interactions. The management believes that by continuously giving classes like this to its employees will help them in terms of improving communication skills, career advancement, enhancing professionalism, increasing customer service satisfaction and facilitating diversity and inclusion in the company working culture. Overall, this class ultimately benefiting both the employees and the organization by contributing to a more skilled, confident and adaptable workforce. Thank you and congratulations to the management for providing this kind of initiative to the employees to ensure that M.E.T. can continue to provide the best service to its customers.

5 Oct 2023


Inertia Block Project

In many pump systems, an inertia block, also known as a flywheel or inertia wheel, is a critical component. Its principal duty is to keep the pump stable and running smoothly by storing kinetic energy and generating a steady flow of fluid. By seeing the importance of this inertial block for a pump system, the M.E.T. has taken another step forward in the pump industry by collaborating with one of our customers to complete a large-scale inertial block project and recently M.E.T. has successfully completed part of this large-scale project. These inertia blocks are specially made for pumps that will be supplied to a factory located in the northern part of Malaysia. The total units of inertia block that need to be completed in this project is 34 units with the largest unit measuring 3400mm x 1500mm x 400mm have been successfully completed. In this project, the M.E.T. handling the entire process from designing the 3D model to fabricating the inertia block. This is one of the successes for the M.E.T. team. in providing the best service to serve the needs of the industry.

21 July 2023


M.E.T. Testing Facilities

In July 2023, M.E.T Motion has stepped up the game after the completion of our new in-house pump testing facilities. This new testing facilities is one of the achievements that we are proud to unlock after many years of serving the pumping industry. This is a prove of our continuous commitment to provide complete pumping solutions to all of our clients. At our pumping facilities, every pump hydraulic performance acceptance test will be conducted rigorously to ensure the data generated will be as accurate as possible to verify the duty conditions against the performance data published in the product literature of the pump tested. All testing conducted is accordance to ISO9906 with third-party accreditation available upon request. We always strive to provide the greatest quality possible for our clients while honoring our obligations to our them and the industry we serve. You are welcome to contact us to get more info.

9 Dec 2022


Asia Water 2022 Exhibition

M.E.T Motion has participated in the ASIA WATER 2022 exhibition which was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center on 7-9 December 2022. ASIAWATER 2022 is the region’s most comprehensive international water & wastewater event for emerging Asia, showcasing the latest in High-Tech Low-Cost products and solutions from around the globe in the fields of water resources management, sewerage, industrial wastewater, purification, irrigation, and many more. In this exhibition, M.E.T. participated under our 3 main brands, Shindo, KITZ and also BSK. The aim of joining this exhibition is to build a strong network with the community that are mainly the key-players from the water work industry. Our team had a good time in serving our visitors where they were well-served with plenty of knowledge in water-pumping system and also the sharing of capabilities of M.E.T. as a company which has nearly 3 decades of experienced in the industry. It was a great moment for our team because of the sharing that have been given to all the visitors and also the sharing that have been received from the key-players about the current requirements in the industry.

15 Oct 2022


Kwong Wah Yit Poh Sun Yat-Sen Spirit Awards 2022

The Kwong Wah Yit Poh Sun Yat-Sen Spirit Awards 2022 ceremony was held on October 15, 2022 in Penang, Malaysia. The occasion was attended by a quite numbers of successful Malaysian entrepreneurs and businesses including M.E.T. Motion Engineering & Trading Sdn. Bhd. On that historic night, the director of M.E.T. Group, Mr. Lee Peng Hwa was awarded the “Newbie Enterprise Award” by Kwong Wah Yot Poh Press Bhd. The purpose of establishing the Sun Yat-Sen Spirit Awards is to recognize the contributions of individuals and companies that have outstanding performance and achievements in various fields in Malaysia and abroad including welfare, culture, arts and humanitarian education as well as other public welfare projects. Among representatives of M.E.T. Group that attended the ceremony was the Managing Director, Mr. Lee Peng Hwa and General Manager, Mr. Yeu Guan Chuan.

17 June 2022


MET Durian Party

The company has held a durian party in conjunction with the durian season in the middle of this year. The Durian Party was held as one of the unique initiatives to appreciate the services and contributions of employees to the company and also as a way to strengthen the relationship between employees and employees with management. Many thanks to the management for this unique initiative!

31 Dec 2021


MET Group New Branch

Again, M.E.T. Group has expanded! We are pleased to announce the opening of our two new branches located in Kuala Lumpur and Pahang Darul Makmur. This is in line with the growing demands of our customers and to provide fast and prompt service to all our customers. We would like to express our gratitude to all our customers for your continued support to us over the years. We look forward to continue to provide the best pumping solutions to you in the future. On this occasion, we would also like to wish a happy new year 2022 to all our customers. Hopefully this new year will bring a ray of joy and happiness and also success for all of us.

17 Jan 2020


MET Group Meeting 2019

M.E.T. Group Meeting 2019 was held on 16th and 17th January 2020 at Ixora Hotel, Penang. The main purposes of this event are for all the members of M.E.T. Group to present their performance report during the year of 2019, sharing ideas on their strategy for the year of 2020 and having dialogue of understanding between the managers from each of the branches. Besides that, this event is also a time to strengthen the sales and technical skills of all staff in M.E.T. Group of Companies by having some sharing session shared by our experienced personnel in the industry. More than 70 peoples from all M.E.T.’s HQ and branches had joined this meeting.

27 Nov 2019


MET New Bird Training 2019

M.E.T. Group has conducted a 2 days training to the new employees which was held at M.E.T. Motion Penang office in Butterworth from 27th November to 28th November 2019. The main purpose of this training is to develop the new comers to become a professional personnel by helping all of them to have the skills needed to perform their task smoothly and efficiently. This training program typically focus on the soft skills as well as technical skills which are necessary for an employee to meet the key performance indicators associated with their role. Besides that, with the training, we can generate an environment which emphasizing on the good values that should be practiced by the employee as the company culture is actually molded by the employee’s values.

10 participants from whole M.E.T. Group of Companies were joined the training and each participant has received a certificate as they had successfully attended the training. Special thanks to Mr. CC Ng from PMCSP Department who has been working hard to ensure that this training was successfully conducted. Hopefully all the employees that joined the training will stay productive, competent and up-to-date with industry best practices because we believed that employee success is our success.

23 April 2019


351kW Shindo Diesel Engine Fire-Fighting Pump FAT

From small up to large, high capacity pumps, Shindo offers a wide range of water pumps for a variety of applications. In addition to the available standard products, Shindo is also capable to produce solutions for heavy duty applications such as High Flow Fire-Fighting Pump like recently ordered by one of our customer in Oil and Gas industry. The required performance for this pump is, it must be capable to deliver 450 cubic meter volume of water in an hour with the pressure of 100 psi. After received the order, it took about one month for the factory to manufacture the whole pump set. For this pump set, a 351kW Cummins diesel engine is use to couple with the pump. After the manufacturing process of the pump set has been completed, a Field Acceptance Test (FAT) was conducted on 23rd April 2019 to test the 351kW Shindo diesel engine fire-fighting split casing pump at manufacturing factory. The test is mainly to check the flow rate as well as the pressure head performance of the pump. Based on the data that has been collected during the test, the performance of the pump can meet the required performance given by the end user in which the flowrate can achieved more than 450 m3/hr and the head is more than 100 psi. During the test, the pump was ran for an hour with desired flowrate. The test was witnessed by 3 representatives from MET. This is a big achievement by MET in which for the first time we supply 351 kW diesel engine fire-fighting pump to the industry. With this achievement, we believed that with any opportunities given to us and our passion to serve the industry, we always will strive to be a great partner for our customer.

03 April 2019


Wilo Product Training 2019

On 3rd April 2019, our partner, Wilo Malaysia has successfully conducted a training for our employees. The training was held at M.E.T. Motion Penang office in Butterworth, Penang. The objective of this training is mainly on providing more knowledge to the staff on the best technic of selecting Wilo products based on the type of application and operating details. Besides that, the training also aiming to give more input to the staff on the existing Wilo products. Wilo Malaysia had also took this opportunity to introduce a new online platform for us to use for MISO, PISO and SCP series product selection. We would like to sincerely thank you to Wilo Malaysia for the training they had conducted and their continuous support to us. They have helped our business immensely and it’s great knowing that we have such an accomplished partner in our corner.

23 Jan 2019


MET 25th Anniversary Annual Dinner

MET Annual Dinner is the most significant event in the company’s calendar. It marks the close of a year of activities and the beginning of a new one. Since our establishment, our Annual Dinner has been an ongoing annual event. Our annual dinner event is actually a gift given by the employer to the employees as this is one of the method initiates by management to appreciate the employees for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Annual dinner also is an opportunity for employee including management side to get to know each other hence installing the teamwork between one another and between departments. For this time, the invited guests include all MET’s Motion employee, collaborative partners, and leaders from all the branches. The night began with the speech from Mr. PH Lee, our Managing Director. He starts his speech by welcoming all the guests for attending the dinner and then in particular he thanked the employees for their commitment to the company throughout the year and he thanked the partners, many of whom have a close relationship with the company. Then, the evening was rounded-off with informal entertainment via karaoke competition and lucky draw. The night was a very enjoyable and a moment to be remembered. A big thank you to the event committee and all of our guests for making the event a huge success.

28 Dec 2018


New Bird Training Program 2018

For M.E.T., the most rewarding investment to ensure our continuous success is by investing in the development of our employee. One of the core thing that helps in the employee development is by providing them a training. With the training, we can create a workplace that is adaptive, flexible, and the employee will be ready for a better change. This training also is an opportunity for us to emphasize the good values that should be practiced by the employee because we believed that the employee values bleed into the company culture. By adhering to this philosophy, M.E.T. Group has conducted a 3 days training to the new employees from 26th December to 28th December 2018.

The training was held at M.E.T. Motion Penang office in Butterworth, Penang. There were many training programs available, a few core courses which are essential to the employees’ success at work as well as in their personal lives. The main objective of this training is to develop and grow the new comers to become a professional personnel which is different in compared to competitors. Besides that, this training also aiming to produce sales person with a continuous learning concept in their mind and also to balance up competency of sales person in terms of soft skill and technical skill. There were 9 participants from whole M.E.T. Group of Companies joined the training. As a token of appreciation, each participant received a certificate as a proof that they had successfully attended this training. Special thanks to Mr. CC Ng from PMCSP Division who has been working hard to ensure that this training was successfully conducted.

19 Dec 2018


SPAN Outreach Program

On 19th December 2018, an Outreach program has been conducted by Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) at The Light Hotel, Penang. SPAN is a technical and economic regulatory body for the water supply and sewerage services in Peninsular Malaysia and Federal Territories of Putrajaya and Labuan. The Commission regulates all entities in the water supply and sewerage services industry including public and private water supply and sewerage services operators, water supply and sewerage contractors, permit holders and suppliers of water and sewerage products. SPAN regulates the water services industry in accordance to the Water Services Industry Act 2006 (Act 655) which was enforced on 1st January 2008.

The main objective of this program is to provide detailed information to industry players especially developers and competent persons regarding regulatory requirements for the water and sewerage services industry through the rules and regulations that have been enforced. Besides that, this program is also aiming to provide detailed information on the compliance with regulatory and product regulation as well as introduction to the water-efficient product labeling scheme (SPPCA) to the industry players. In this event, one of our principal, Wilo Malaysia has been invited to set up a booth during the event with the intention to display and introduce some water related products which has been approved by SPAN. Thus, Wilo Malaysia has invited M.E.T. paired up with them to make this program successful. M.E.T. was glad to sponsor some Wilo products to be display at the event. We are proud to be one of the participant of this event which supports the development and sustainability of the water supply industry in Malaysia.

02 Nov 2018


IEM 51st Annual Dinner 2018

Hundreds of engineering professionals from various engineering industries stepped away from their projects on last Friday, November 2nd, to take part in IEM Penang branch annual event, IEM 51st Anniversary Annual Dinner. This event was held at Hotel Equatorial, Penang. This annual dinner was held to celebrate the 51st anniversary of the association. Besides that, the main aim of this event is as an appreciation night for the IEM members and bring IEM closer to the industry by creating better networking between the members and other professionals in various engineering discipline. For this year, MET were very delighted as WILO Malaysia also participated in this event as the corporate sponsor. For MET as an authorized WILO pump distributor in Malaysia, WILO involvement in this event is very helpful in promoting WILO pump as one of the most reliable pump brand for various industries in Malaysia. There were six employees of MET and four employees of WILO Malaysia joined this event including our Managing Director, Mr. Lee Peng Hwa. With the chance to interact with many key players in the industry, and enjoying a very appetizing dinner, it was truly a night to remember.

06 Sept 2018


9th IRGCE at KLCC 2018

Since 2002, the International Rubber Glove Conference and Exhibition (IRGCE) was successfully organised by MARGMA which has been a good platform in bridging the gap among rubber industry players and fortifying a greater exchange of ideas. IRGCE is now the world’s largest exhibition of rubber gloves. It is now a must-visit event for players in the rubber glove industry. For the 9th IRGCE 2018, it is co-hosted by the Malaysian Export Promotion Council (MREPC), in association with the Thai Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (TRGMA) and the Indonesian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (IRGMA). The event is supported by the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC), Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB), Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). 9th IRGCE 2018 took placed from 4th until 6th September 2018 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

M.E.T. Motion Engineering & Trading Sdn. Bhd. is proud to be one of the participant of this event which supports the development and sustainability in the rubber industry especially for the Malaysian market. For this edition, M.E.T. has paired up with two companies which are subsidiaries of its parent company, Unimech International and Unimech Engineering KL to joined this event under the name of Unimech Group Berhad. Through this event, M.E.T. has took this opportunity to showcased our chemical and latex related process products such as magnetic drive chemical pumps, air operated diaphragm pumps and flowmeter to customers and trade visitors. Besides that, M.E.T. also has took this opportunity to provide better understanding to our visitors from various sectors on M.E.T. capability as a one stop pumping solution provider, thus allowing us to be the best and reliable partner in pump industry.

20 Apr 2018


Wilo Factory Visit 2018

During M.E.T. business trip to China from 16th April to 21st April, our management had took this opportunity to visit our principal for centrifugal pump, Wilo. The office and factory are both located in Beijing, China. For this visit, besides to strengthen the business ties between Wilo and M.E.T., another main purpose of this visit was to have a look on how Wilo pumps are produced. M.E.T. was given an opportunity to visit the production factory and pump testing house. Wilo had conducted a product presentation and also a session of pump troubleshooting for M.E.T. knowledge and also guidelines in the future. Many thanks to Wilo China Ltd. for given M.E.T. this opportunity. This opportunity was a big honor to M.E.T.

17 Apr 2018


BSK Factory Visit 2018

This is a big week for M.E.T. management on the business ties because of the success of the visit to BSK Fluid Technology LLC office for a meeting with their General Sales Manager. The meeting was held on 17th April 2018. The main purpose of this meeting was to further enhance the cooperation between M.E.T. and BSK and also to discuss the future direction of this cooperation. As a sole distributor of BSK pump in Malaysia, it is a responsibility for M.E.T. to ensure that every single product of BSK that is imported by us has an excellent quality and also reliable to consumers. Thus, M.E.T. management had took this opportunity to visit the BSK factory to see for themselves on how the BSK pumps are being produced. During the visit, BSK had conducted a presentation to explain on the technical side of their products and also to explain the procedure that is being used by them to ensure that every single unit of pump produced is according to the standard and specification.

12 Apr 2018



M.E.T. had received an invitation from BSK Fluid Technology LLC to joined them as a co-partner in ASIAWATER 2018. ASIAWATER 2018 is the 10th edition since it was first introduced around 20 years ago. ASIAWATER is an enhanced and upgraded water trade event which purposely to support the development and sustainability in the water and wastewater industries especially for the Southeast Asia market. In 2018, it was held from 10th to 12th April 2018 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There were over 18,000 industry players had involved in this event in which had given the opportunity to the public and the players themselves to get updated on the latest trends in the industry. ASIAWATER 2018 also had given the opportunity to BSK Fluid Technology and M.E.T. to increase our brand exposure and develop our business potential by capitalizing on special networking opportunities in this event.

27 Mar 2018


Blood Test 2018

Health is a dynamic process because it is always changing. We all have times of good health, times of sickness and maybe even times of serious illness. As our lifestyles change, so does our level of health. So, it is very important for us to conduct regular health checks to monitor our health level. One way to check our health level is to do a blood test. The most important things that we can know through a blood test are the levels of sugar and cholesterol in our body. These two things are very important to be monitored because they are among the causes that lead to chronic illnesses that are often experienced by the people especially in Malaysia. Thus, by looking at this importance, MET has decided to take the blood test as an annual activity for the company. This is also one of the company’s contributions to the staff to appreciate their services to the company by helping them to check their health level and also as an encouragement for them to always take care of their health to ensure their health level is always in a good shape. For 2018, blood tests were conducted on 27/03/2018 at the MET Office.

04 Feb 2018


Fund Raising for Schools

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become one of the standard business practices of M.E.T. Group. For us, committed to CSR it means we brings social integration, environmental, ethical, human rights or consumer concerns into business operations. The establishment of a CSR would give a positive impact on society as a whole while maximizing the creation of shared value for the owners of the business, its employees, shareholders and stakeholders. Thus, as one of our CSR, on the 4th of February, we had joined a dinner for a program called “Top Ten Yi Yan”. This is a program of fundraising for Chinese education and it is the only local Chinese education fundraising program with two Malaysia Book of Records. In the past 29 Years, this program has successfully supported the Chinese education totaling for more than 499.76 million ringgit fund.

31 Jan 2018


M.E.T. Group Meeting & M.E.T. Annual Dinner 2017

M.E.T. Group Meeting was held on 31st January, 1st and 2nd February 2018 in Penang. This 3 days event was held for all the branches presenting their report on the their performance during the year of 2017, sharing ideas on their strategy for the year 2018 and having dialogue of understanding between managers from each of the branches. Besides that, this meeting is also conducted as a platform to strengthen the sales and technical skills of all the staff in M.E.T. Group of Companies by having a talk and training provided by our experienced personnel in the industry. Then, on the night of 2nd February 2018, Friday, which was the last day of M.E.T. Group Meeting, M.E.T. Group Annual Dinner was held at the Evento CAFFE located in Butterworth, Penang. The event was well attended by over one hundred staff including the staff from all the branches. All of M.E.T. Group members would like to thank to the staff of the Evento CAFFE who ensured the smooth running of the event. Also, thanks must be extended to M.E.T. Penang management, whose tireless once again resulted in a successful night.

08 Dec 2017


IEM 50th Anniversary Dinner

Professional association consist of groups of people from the same profession who gather together for networking events and come up with standards for the profession. Besides that, the main purpose of a professional association is to enhance the profession skills of their member by conducting seminar and technical workshop so the member can go deep in their field of interest. That is why MET is always encourage its staff to join and get involved in professional association. This is because joining a professional association is a win-win situation for employee and the company itself because while they are networking with professionals, they are being praised for taking the initiative to learn more about their field of interest which is good for the enhancement of the company and MET realized that this opportunity is only exists when we allowed our employees to join a professional association. One of the professional association in Malaysia that MET encouraged the employees to join is The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). IEM primary function is to promote and advance the science and profession of engineering in any or all of its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering. This is closely related to our core business field which is engineering. Due to the involvement of our employees in IEM, on 8th December 2017, MET were invited to join IEM 50th Anniversary Dinner. This event was held at SPICE Convention Centre, Penang and four of MET employees attended this event. This annual dinner is as an appreciation night for the IEM members and bring IEM more closely to the industry by creating better networking between the members and other professionals in various engineering discipline. There are several activities conducted during the event such as souvenir presentation, IEM PG50 book launching and lucky draws.

26 Nov 2017


Penang International Marathon 2017

Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up our energy levels and even help to improve our mood. Based on the research, regular exercise can help a person to have a better sleeping time and even makes people looks better by helping them to keep their body at healthy weight. Besides to maintain a healthy weight, the most important reason people need to stay healthy is because to decrease the risk of developing certain diseases, including which used to be found mostly in Malaysian adults such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. These diseases are becoming more common each day. Hence, as an organization which always take human resources as the most important assets, M.E.T. once again has invites the employees to join the largest mass-participation sports event in Penang which is Penang Bridge International Marathon. This is an annual sports event held in Penang which had attracted many participants around the world. All the registration fees were sponsored by the company as an encouragement  to the employees to join this sports event. M.E.T. believed that if we always encourage our employees to engage them with any sports activity or event, indirectly will make them accustomed to practicing a healthy lifestyle. This will benefits the employees themselves and also can contribute to the performance of company. The categories joined by our employees are Full Marathon (42km), Half Marathon (21km), 10km Run and 8km Fun Run. This event was taking place on 26th November 2017 start from 1:30am until 9:00am.

12 Nov 2017


IEM E-Finity Fun Run 2017

Living a healthy lifestyle may mean something different from one person to the next. For some, health is defined by living a disease-free life. For others, healthy is being able to adhering to a weekly exercise schedule. Though the definition of healthy may differ between people, living a healthy lifestyle is a fundamental component to achieving your optimal mental and physical well-being. Based on this philosophy, M.E.T. has always encouraged its staff to practice a healthy lifestyle, so they can always contribute their best not only for the company, but also to their families. So, the staff will have a good quality life either during working time or family time. Hence, on 12th November 2017, M.E.T. has invites the staff to join a run organized by The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). IEM is a professional learned society that serves more than 35,000 engineers in Malaysia. Their objective is to promote and advance the profession of engineering in various disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering. They always organize and conduct talks, site visits, charity events and social activities from time to time for the public and also for the members. The main purpose of organizing this run is to promote a healthy lifestyle. Besides that, IEM also aims to raise awareness of self-development and embrace opportunity ahead. This is a part of IEM continuous effort to enhance the image of engineering profession among the community. This event was held at Design Village, Batu Kawan, Penang. By participating in this event, all the participants will have the chance to get special discount for selected items at Design Village after running through Batu Kawan area about 10km route. Design Village is the first outlet mall in Penang and it is the biggest outlet mall in Malaysia. It is located less than 5 minutes from the North-South Expressway and Penang 2nd Bridge.

29 Sept 2017



HOMEDEC is a three-day event with an exhibition of thousands of home designs, trends and technology, as well as innovative home products and gadgets. HOMEDEC is geared up to bring the Salebration® fever to Penang with the best deals for various kinds of home products including products for home water system. With this exhibition, M.E.T. is able to build a strong network with the community which consist of end user as well as the key-players from the water work industry. Many visitors were well-served by our team with plenty of home water system knowledge and also the sharing of M.E.T. capability as a company with more than 20 years of experienced in the industry. Besides that, we are also able to learn more about current requirements especially for the home water system and this really a helpful method for us to provide better solutions for our customer.

10 Sept 2017



M.E.T. believed that the human resources are the most important assets for the company. The success of our company is largely depends on the commitment of the people working in the company. Without positive and creative contributions from the people, M.E.T. cannot progress and prosper. Thus, as one of the way of appreciating the people for their contributions to the organization, the company was come out with a planned to bring all the staff for a 10 days’ vacation and one of the destination for the year of 2017 is Turkey. Explore ancient ruins, enjoy apple tea, browse market stalls, sail along a turquoise coast and view the landscapes of Cappadocia are among several activities done throughout the company trip to Turkey. Throughout the trip, a few cities were visited such as Istanbul, Canakkale, Pamukkale, Cappadocia and Ankara. The trip was taking place from 10th of September until 19th of September.

22 August 2017



With a mission to grow our share market in pump industry, MET now has moved a step forward by bringing in new product which is submersible pumps by KSB special for waste water management segment. KSB Pumps is a world lead pump brand originally from Germany. There are two models of the KSB submersible pumps are now available at MET, one is AMAREX N and another one is KRTE. AMAREX N is specially designed for sludge application and KRTE is specially designed for raw sewage application. Both models are registered and approved by Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) in “Raw Sewage Pumping” application and “Effluent and Water Removal/Recycle” application. Please do contact us for any inquiries or information needed.

16 Dec 2016



M.E.T. Group Conference was held on 16th and 17th December 2016 in Penang. This 2 days event was held with a main purpose to strengthen the sales and technical skills of all staff in M.E.T. Group of Companies by having a talk and training provided by our experienced personnel in the industry. Besides that, this conference is also mainly for all the M.E.T.’s branches presenting their report on the performance during the year of 2016, sharing ideas on their strategy for the year of 2017 and having dialogue of understanding between the managers from each of the branches. More than 30 peoples from all M.E.T.’s branches had joined this conference.

11 Oct 2016



SPAN registered products is compulsory for any water works job of Malaysian local authorities. Hence, conjunction with this requirement, here we are proud to announce that five models of Shindo water pumps is now registered and approved by Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN). The registered models are Shindo End Suction Centrifugal Pumps (S Series), Shindo Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Pumps (VMS Series), Shindo Horizontal Stainless Steel Centrifugal Pumps (DZS Series), Shindo Horizontal Multistage Centrifugal Pumps (HS/HSI Series) and Shindo Horizontal Single Stage Centrifugal Pumps (SMS Series). These five models are registered under “Flow Control” category. With a commitment to provide high value-added products in minimum lead-time and cost effective pricing, Shindo now has delivered thousands of water pumps to all over Asia, especially Malaysia and Singapore. Shindo is always a good choice for any water application whenever the industry is looking for a good quality products and at the same time cost-effectiveness is becoming a concern. Want to know more about Shindo pumps? Please contact us at +604-333 3130 or you can send to us your inquiry to our email address at [email protected].